Schlagwort: Exposition

Structural Origami expo Tokyo

Die unit koge ist in der Ausstellung “Structural Origami” im Komaba Museum in Tokyo  vertreten. Von 10.09.2016 bis 02.10.2016 werden unter dem Titel “Structural Origami” im Komaba Museum, eine Reihe…

Surface to Form @ Ipoint uibk

An Article about the Surface to Form Pavilion has recently by published on the ipoint of the University Innsbruck more to read here

pre defined wooden stripes

In 2012 Rupert Maleczek was invited to design and fabricate a research based exhibition object for the special exhibition entitled young talents. Based on his research on linear folded stripes,…

Cardboard Tower

the institut fuer konstruktion und gestaltung (KoGe) based at the leopold franzens university of innsbruck, developed in close cooperation with the international collective archiwaste  a tower, reaching a height of 10…